Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Geese Trampling Your Home Garden?


by Alex A. Kecskes

Geese love ponds and lakefront property. If your home has a pond or is near a body of water, you may be inundated with geese--unless you implement effective geese deterrents. Areas with mowed lawns are particularly attractive to these birds because they allow geese to see predators from afar. This gives them peace of mind to roam, trample and poop on your property. Of course, planted areas are equally vulnerable. Most geese will be looking for areas to rear her young.  A planted area offers protection for a goose, her mate and their young during incubation. It offers concealment from predators and is ideal for entire goose families to sleep, all while remaining sheltered and hidden.

There are at least 10 different species of geese, they weigh as much as 24 lbs and can be up to four feet long. Geese generally fall into two categories: Migrating geese and resident Canada geese. The latter can deposit up to a pound of droppings. They will invade your garden, squawking and trampling down flowers and plants like a heard of buffalo. They can also be fairly aggressive, chasing pets and small children. Like most bird droppings, Goose droppings can carry diseases—a real problem if you have a pool spa or fishpond.

What to do? You can’t have geese invading your property. Will bang cannons, BB guns, avicides and firecrackers do the trick? Hardly. These measures are way too dangerous or bothersome to be used in the presence of family, neighbors and pets. Luckily, there are a number of humane, rational and effective geese deterrents you can use.

For starters, there’s the Sonic Goose Deterrent. It plays actual distress and alarm calls of Canada Geese that have been recorded in their natural habitat. These calls are repeated every ten minutes. When geese hear these calls, their natural instinct is to leave your backyard post haste. The best sonic deterrents are weather resistant and can be programmed to turn off at night. They also include a built-in speaker that covers up to an acre of land. Unlike other goose sound deterrents that play high pitched ultrasonic noises, one popular goose control sonic system was developed by working with ornithologists at a major university and safe to use around animals and pets.

Another highly effective goose deterrent is the Scarecrow. This advanced motion activated device frightens geese away the minute they enter a motion sensor’s field of activation. Geese that experience the triple combo of water blast, startling sprinkler sound, and realistic looking bird-like moving head are loath to return.

Scarecrows will protect gardens, lawns, pools, spas and most any water feature. They connect easily to most garden hoses and offer over 1,200 square feet of protection that extends 35 feet out by 45-foot wide. Scarecrows are inexpensive to operate, providing as many as 1,000 "firings" on a single 9-volt battery. You can adjust their sensitivity and range to meet the specific needs of your garden, pool or spa.

The time to install and set up goose deterrents is now, before the geese arrive and settle in your home garden. So plan ahead, evaluate your garden, pools, spas and water features. Get the right goose deterrent for your needs and let someone else worry about geese invading their garden.

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